
The Retina

Prevention is fundamental. But watch out for diabetes and hypertension!

Retinal diseases may be caused on metabolic disorders such as diabetes or hypertension, which can damage the retinal blood vessels and cause serious damage to the eye. The preventive and periodic exam of the retina, for those suffering from metabolic diseases, is fundamental but sometimes it may not be enough to avoid complications. But complications may be treated with lasers.

Retinal changes may occur even in the absence of predisposing diseases. The periphery of the retina can degenerate – a more frequent phenomenon with nearsightedness – which then predisposes the retina to detachment. Also in this case the laser can address the situation.

With retinal detachment, it is necessary to intervene immediately – with surgery

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A need, a desire, a wish…

There is still life to live. I already have diabetes; I don’t need another issue. I’m already hypertensive; I don’t want to have further worries. Now… Simply put, if we have a metabolic pathology, it may weaken our entire body and even our sight. The winning strategy? Take the bull by the horns, book a visit and get ahead of the game

Technology and Solutions

Latest-generation lasers and state-of-the-art surgical instruments, 3D visualization through a digital microscope. All of this makes the care and treatment of retinal issues more efficient and safe. But more important than anything else, the promptness of intervention. CARONES Vision is there

Retinal Laser Treatment

They are made to stregthen the retina when it begins to degenerate, and to treat the vascular proliferations caused by metabolic diseases. The treatment is ambulatory, performed under local anesthesia, is painless or with only mild discomfort, and lasts from a few seconds in relation to the size of the area to be treated. There is no need for a hospital stay, and the recovery is immediate. What else?

How much does it cost?

The cost of a retinal laser treatment is similar to that of a good pair of skis or a nice bicycle. In order to be free to practice your favorite sport securely and safely. And with great satisfaction!

Vitreoretinal Surgery

Surgery for retinal detachment is complex: It depends on many factors, such as the extent of the detachment and when it occurred. The intervention is carried out in a sterile environment, after local anesthesia, and can last one hour or longer. However, there is no need for hospitalization. Visual recovery can take time, and the outcome of the surgery is not always predictable. CARONES Vision is by your side, and will gently take care of you

How much does it cost?

The cost of an intervention for retinal detachment, for the above mentioned reasons, is variable, and may be similar to that of a small “city” car. But to drive you need to see…